Monday, March 24, 2008

Home for Easter!!

We definitely did not expect Addison to be home from the hospital in time for Easter! But she has only proven to us how tough she is, and came home after only 3 weeks of being in the NICU. (They had initially told us not to expect her to come home until around her due date - April 22nd)

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Coming home

I finally got to bring Addison home after 3 weeks in the hospital. We had to stay the night before I guess so they can make sure everything goes okay. Greg and I both got an awful sleep there! Addison has been gaining weight steadily even though they have removed the feeding tube, so because of that, she doesn't need to stay in anymore, and her jaundice has gone down.

Grandma Joy was there to bring her home with us, but everyone else was working. It was a really sunny day, as you can see! When we got home, Mia was very curious about this little human we were bringing into HER place. She was very good though and just sniffed Addison. Addison doesn't do much at this point except sleep a LOT! Which makes sense since she's not even supposed to be here yet! We have to feed her on a strict 3 hour schedule. I have to set my alarm at night in case she doesn't wake up, because she really needs to eat and grow!